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earth satellite造句

"earth satellite"是什么意思  
  • The artificial earth satellites occupy a peculiar intermediate position between science and technology .
  • In comparison with the classical lunar theory the motion of an earth satellite offers important practical differences .
  • When was china ' s first man - made earth satellite launched
  • Another man - made earth satellite was put into orbit last month
  • China succeeded in launching its first man - made earth satellite in1970
  • China succeeded in sending up another man - made earth satellite yesterday
  • Earth satellite vehicle
  • China successfully launched its first man - made earth satellite in april 1970
  • It is reported that china has sent another man - made earth satellite into orbit
  • Near - earth satellite
  • It's difficult to see earth satellite in a sentence. 用earth satellite造句挺难的
  • China successfully launched its first man - made earth satellite on april24 , 1970
  • It if reported that china has seat another man - made earth satellite into orbit
  • Such a station is also able to play a unique role in interrogating earth satellites in orbit over both poles
  • Earth satellite remote sensing monitored and geodynamic analysis of the dynamic variation of lakes in the qinghai - xizang plateau
  • This satellite launch is different from satellite launches in the past . previous launches were always for earth satellites , however this satellite is for the moon
  • The remote sensing refers to air to ground one , namely from different working platform far away the ground ( for example gao ta , balloon , airplane , rocket , the artificial earth satellite , spaceship , aerospace craft and so on ) , through the sensor , exploring the information ( radiation ) to the earth ' s surface electromagnetic wave , and after the information transmission , processes , estimation and analysis , it can be regarded as a kind of comprehensive technology of surveying and monitoring earth ' s resources and its environment
  • Under the circumstances of all - round blockade and embargo imposed by the united states and other western countries , china successfully developed intermediate and short - range missiles in 1964 , and succeeded in launching its first man - made earth satellite in 1970 , and a recoverable satellite in 1975
    在美国等西方国家对中国实行全面封锁和禁运的情况下, 1964年中国就已经研制成功了中近程导弹, 1970年中国成功地发射了第一颗人造地球卫星, 1975年,中国又成功地发射了返回式卫星。
  • Second part - the main contribution and research results of this paper are focused on as follows : ( 1 ) how to use the measurements of a dual frequency gps receiver to determine the ionospheric delay correction model for single frequency gps of a local range ; ( 2 ) how to separate the instrumental biases with the ionospheric delays in gps observation ; ( 3 ) how to establish a large range grid ionosphere model and use the gps data of chinese crust movement observation network to investigate the change law of ionospheric tec of china area ; ( 4 ) how to improve the effectiveness of correcting ionospheric delays for waas ' s users under adverse conditions . ( 5 ) how to establish the basic theory and the corresponding framework of monitoring the stochastic ionospheric disturbance using gps ( 6 ) how to improve the modelling ability of ionospheric delay according to its diurnal , seasonal , annual variations based on gps ; ( 7 ) how to meet the demand of correcting the ionospheric delay of high - precision orbit determination for low - earth satellite using a single frequency gps receiver 1 extracting ( local ) ionospheric information from gps data with high - precision the factors are systematically described and analyzed which limit the precision of using gps data to extract ionospheric delays
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